Monday, July 04, 2005

Number of Blogs-Are Most Worth Anything?

I read something interesting today. Depending on who you believe, studies are showing that Blog's are growing at exponential numbers each day. The number at the moment is not important to me. Just the point. I digress. Back to what I read.

If I can find the author with a link on the web, I will place it here. Until then, the story said that the number of new blogs is really inflated. That many more blogs are created as a "test" or as a spamming tool more than one's that are created for great content, ideas, or thought leadership.

This does not surprise me. Nor does all the blog spamming that I see. About half the blog's that I come upon on the web are there just to fool a search engine. They have no merit. I'm sure you've stumbled upon these. They are just pages with ton's of links and nothing of value. What a waste of bandwidth!

Don't get me wrong. I fully believe Blog's are becoming more and more popular. And, they should. They are easy to get and do. Plus, they open the web to anybody, not just technical programmers.

I guess my biggest pet peeve is trying to sift out the good blog's that I actually want to read from the dud's. Anyone have ideas? Other than using the blog search engines?


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