Monday, October 24, 2005

Reason 3 to Ignore Blogs

3. You love spending lot's of money to get more business.

Some people really like all the attention and perks that come from spending lot's of money to advertise. Radio and TV stations give away tickets and trips as perks to big advertisers. Me? I'd rather keep the money and pay for my own trip. The money I save, I can re-invest into more intelligent ways (like a blog) to get out and stay out in front of customers and potential customers.

Let's do a comparison shall we?
Blog: spend about $500 tops to have my message broadcast to millions of people 24 hours a day. 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. Change my message as often as I want without additional design or technical costs. Get immediate feedback from customers that I can use to generate sales, solve a problem, or just chuckle at. People can spend as much time as they want on my blog and come back as often as they want.

Radio/TV: spend up to $10,000 (or more) to produce the spot. Spend about $5,000 minimum to have the spot run in one market for the agreed upon target demographic (usually a few days), that may hit a few thousand potential customers. If I want to make changes, I need to make another spot. If I wanted to run in other markets or more than a few days, I might need to take a second mortgage. Oh yes, and if you miss my 15 or 30 or 60 second spot, too bad for me. Maybe you'll be around the next time it runs. If you're not listening to your iPod or Satellite radio.

Check back for Reason #4...


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