Friday, March 03, 2006

How a Ski Area Manager Blogs

Today I want to take a few minutes to highlight one ski area manager that took up blogging at the start of the 2005/06 ski season.

Ed Meyer is the General Manager of Ski Snowstar Winter Sports Park in Andalusia, IL. He's a regular fixture at the ski area and has a great sense of humor. Yes, he's a natural to blog.

At first Ed was concerned he'd have nothing to blog about. I recommended that he discuss the trials and tribulations of the "inside workings" at the area. That's just what he did. I think it almost became therapeutic for him. He'd write about his frustration with the weather, especially at 3am when it wouldn't cooperate. He wrote about his joy of being able to open the area the earliest ever. Then the heartache of having to close most of January due to unseasonably warm temps.

Readers and guests loved it! There's tons of supportive comments all over Ed's blog. He even said he's heard from people all over the country that he hadn't talked to in years! Talk about a win-win for both sides.

So what made Ed's blog successful?

A large part of it is Ed. He was consistent in writing and able to not take the blog or himself too seriously.

Want to check out this blog? Click here...


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