Thursday, March 09, 2006

Time to Move

As I've mentioned before, I'm a multi-blogger (I have multiple blogs). I set this blog up on Google's Blogger system as an experiment. Basically to see what kind of functionality it had and if it was worth recommending to others. Plus, I wanted to see if Google gave any special "treatment" to their own software when they were compiling search engine stats. (Yes, I was checking to see if I could get higher on Google's stats if I used their blog software rather than someone else's). As far as I can tell-no, you don't.

It's been a good run.

I've noticed of late that Blogger has let their RSS (really simple syndication) or XML feed fall behind in development. That means if you try to access the feed on this site you will probably get errors.

For someone like me, moving my blog is not difficult, just time consuming. You see I have other blog software and can easily move domain names around. For the average person however, I see a big problem looming!

What's that?

The average person with a large blog will have a heck of a time moving all their beloved posts. So what options do we all have when we do decide to change providers?
-Let the old blog go away? Like this one?
-Copy and paste every post into the new software? Then what happens to the comments?

So, anyone any ideas?


At 7:59 PM, March 13, 2006, Blogger girl said...

It's not ideal, but maybe list the permalinks to each post by category or by date accessible from the new blog? It's still cutting & pasting, but a bit less.

My old blog just stopped functioning recently & I just put a link to it as my old blog. And then cried over the pain of losing it. And then moved on.


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