Friday, December 09, 2005

Blog Smarts

New to blogging? Here's a few tips to make yours (and your readers) life easier:

1. Write only when you have something to say. Don't clog up the blogosphere with "stuff" even you would never want to read.
2. Develop a theme for your blog and stick to it. It will not only make your writing easier but will make it more interesting to readers.
3. Remember, the web has a long memory. NEVER write or place anything on the web that could come back and "get you" in the future. Did you know Google records every search request and there's other search engines that archive all the pages on the web? There is. Don't forget it.
4. If someone is interested enough to leave a comment, respond to them. It's only polite.
5. Link. Blogs are about building an online community. So, go ahead and link to other blogs that you believe enhance your blog and encourage others to do the same.

Just my 2 cents for the day. Have any "blog smarts" you'd like to add? Go ahead, we're all friends here.


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