Blogs to Replace Traditional Websites?
Probably not. But until you have the ability to develop a website with full content management ability, a Blog can be the next best thing.
Recently I recommended a Blog to a Client. The goal was to introduce new functionality already contained in the Blog software to market through, rather than trying to fix the current website. In this situation it made sense. This client needed the ability to instantly make announcements on new products, picture uploads, and announce upcoming events. The Blog was a great way to start a permission based marketing campaign of attracting people to the Blog site for late breaking info, product & service tips, and the other unique concepts the Blog site offers.
You are probably asking yourself why start a whole separate Blog site when there is a regular site sitting untouched? Let’s take a look:
- Pre-arranged contracts meant that making changes to current site included paying another agency to do it. Not to mention the time lag of actually getting the work done.
- Redeveloping a new website is more cost effective than trying to fix the old, but neither was budgeted at the moment.
- Big Reason 1: A Blog can be up and fully functional in a matter of days for hundreds of dollars instead of thousands.
- Big Reason 2: A Blog satisfies the basic needs of instant change by the Client when ever they want and interactivity with customers.
So, could a Blog replace a website? Not if you still would like ecommerce, good navigational flow, content about who you are, and any number of other important website functionality. But Blog’s are a great stop-gap measure until the website can be brought up to par or the perfect addition to a site in the need of permission based marketing.
Interested in more Blog info than you ever wanted to know? Check out this link
hello. could you tell me how can i gather all the comments on my posts in one page wiht their threads. if you know anything about it please leave a message for me next ot my comment. thanks alot for your help
Well, all depends on how much time, effort, and knowledge you want to put towards it.
If you are looking to move your blog, copy and paste is the simplest way.
If you are looking to syndicate your blog's comments, here are some options:
-with blogger, visit these sites:
-leaving blogger and going to a different blogging framework that includes that feature is also an option. If it's something you really want, I'd say make the leap before your blog gets any bigger.
I did.
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