The Marketing Revolution--Blogs
Does it feel like the floor is moving beneath your feet these days as you try to get a handle on sales and marketing for your company? It’s not just you.
Major changes in our culture, available technology, and how we do business are radically changing marketing and overall business models.
One of the hottest trends of 2005 is the Blog. A weBLOG is a web based interactive journal that an individual or organization posts messages to daily. The messages are short. They are written in an informal style fitting to the web. They are about real people talking about real topics.
Where did the revolution begin? It began back in 1997 when the word “Blog” was first termed and it launched forward in 2003 with the Iraq war and then 2004 with the Presidential election. From there it has exploded onto the scene with mainstream companies like General Motors, Delta Airlines, and Microsoft putting in their two cents.
Think the Blog is some passing fad? Don’t. You’ll miss out on a truly breakthrough way to interact and build long-term relationships with your customers.
Make sure to bookmark this page. You've found the only Blog site dedicated to blog creation and maintenance for beginners. Check back often for blog trends, blog tips, blogging ideas, and basically EVERYTHING blog. Curious about who's writing this? Check out our bio on this site. Questions? Go ahead and contact us. We'd be happy to answer them! 888-215-0820
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