Thursday, December 29, 2005

Preventing blog spam

So, what can we do to stop blog spam? Mostly rely on the major search engines and blogging software to combat it. After a recent search, here's what I've found:

In January of 2005, Google started an initiative to test new code that blocks blog spam. It basically works by blocking hyperlinks and not giving credit to those links when they rank websites in their search results. They assure us that its not a negative vote for the site where the comment was posted; it's just a way to make sure that spammers get no benefit from abusing public areas like blog comments, trackbacks, and referrer lists.

Right away, others like MSN and Yahoo jumped right on board. Blogging software such as LiveJournal and Wordpress also have taken up the cause too.

So, where does that leave us? With a start I guess.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Blogs Gone Wrong

There's always one who likes to spoil a good thing. And in this case, it's "blog spammers". What's blog spam?

Blog spam is where either a human or computer repeatedly fills in comments on your blog either with links to their own site or just a bunch of non-relevant comments.

Why? To increase search engine rankings. Today, I spent an hour removing porn site links off one of our client's business blog's. Only to the comments right back again two hours later!

The blog was under attack. The only way to stop it was to turn off the comments feature. Which would work temporarily but it's the comments that help to drive the interactivity of the blog.

Ultimately, we added higher levels of security to the blog and explained why to the regular readers. What a pain!

So, I ask the question, why must a select few ruin a good thing for everyone else?

I read a great article on regarding the "Evil Genus of Spammers". Click on the title to read it yourself. It's a good intro as to why people do it and what they see as the benefits.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Searching for blogs

Ok, so you've read that there's quite a few blog's out there. But, maybe you've had problems finding them?

Monitoring the blogosphere is easier than you think, if you know where to look. Blogs do not normally show up on traditional search engine results. That means it'’s not as simple as just using Google, but going there is at least a start. Here'’s two ways to find blogs:

1) Regular search engine. Go right now to your computer and bring up Type in your company name followed by the word '“blog'. i.e. ski mountain blog. One Snow Trails search on brought me to where a 50 year old gentleman related a story about falling in love with skiing at Snow Trails in 1977.

2) Go to a blog search engine like,,,, or unfortunatelyltey, since blogging is fairly new, you'll have to sift through quite a few blogs to find the ones you prefer. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to read. (People still do that these days, so I've heard).

One more thing. Find some blogs that you think are gems? Why not post them here? We love good blogs!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Blog Smarts

New to blogging? Here's a few tips to make yours (and your readers) life easier:

1. Write only when you have something to say. Don't clog up the blogosphere with "stuff" even you would never want to read.
2. Develop a theme for your blog and stick to it. It will not only make your writing easier but will make it more interesting to readers.
3. Remember, the web has a long memory. NEVER write or place anything on the web that could come back and "get you" in the future. Did you know Google records every search request and there's other search engines that archive all the pages on the web? There is. Don't forget it.
4. If someone is interested enough to leave a comment, respond to them. It's only polite.
5. Link. Blogs are about building an online community. So, go ahead and link to other blogs that you believe enhance your blog and encourage others to do the same.

Just my 2 cents for the day. Have any "blog smarts" you'd like to add? Go ahead, we're all friends here.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Why do I blog?

I had a question today from a client. They asked me simply why I blog.

At first it seemed like an easy answer, "Because I can." But, then I thought about it for a few minutes and realized it's more than that.

In college I used to be a DJ with the campus radio station. (Bet that's not something you knew) I enjoyed getting to play the music (read records; it was the late 80's). I loved the pressure of trying to come up with good content and things that would make people want to listen. I ultimately liked the "soap box" atmosphere it provided.

Only thing I didn't like...little audience participation. You see I had actually started in community theater plays through grammar and high school. I decided the college drama department was a bit too "dramatic" so switched to radio. Only problem was I really missed the live feedback. The thrill I got from seeing and feeling the audience reaction.

O.k. fast forward to today. I realize blogging is a lot like radio with audience participation. I love that I get to "get on my soap box" and get feedback too.

So, the actual answer I finally gave my client was, "I blog because I can and because of the unique doors it opens."

I don't want to hog all the blog time here today. So, I'll ask the question, why do you blog?