Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Blogs Gone Wrong

There's always one who likes to spoil a good thing. And in this case, it's "blog spammers". What's blog spam?

Blog spam is where either a human or computer repeatedly fills in comments on your blog either with links to their own site or just a bunch of non-relevant comments.

Why? To increase search engine rankings. Today, I spent an hour removing porn site links off one of our client's business blog's. Only to the comments right back again two hours later!

The blog was under attack. The only way to stop it was to turn off the comments feature. Which would work temporarily but it's the comments that help to drive the interactivity of the blog.

Ultimately, we added higher levels of security to the blog and explained why to the regular readers. What a pain!

So, I ask the question, why must a select few ruin a good thing for everyone else?

I read a great article on Wired.com regarding the "Evil Genus of Spammers". Click on the title to read it yourself. It's a good intro as to why people do it and what they see as the benefits.


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