Monday, August 15, 2005

Blog's that haunt you

I read an article over the weekend about the content in blog's coming back to haunt the writers somewhere down the road. There were examples of politicians kids, employees at big companies, and of course, regular, every day people.

Blogging is still so new. That means you are pretty much free to do and say whatever you would like. That can be both good and bad. The good side is that we get plenty of open space to define just how much rope we might be able to hang ourselves with.

Part of the excitement about trying something new is the unknown qualities of it. The excitement that you are doing and trying something that doesn't have a set of rules already laid out. For someone like me, it's a dream come true. I like to create and mold things. It's a combination of creativity and a restless need to never be satisfied. I'm sure many of the other bloggers share this quality. Those that would rather wait until the masses have accepted something would really not understand this and should probably stop reading.

Still reading? Good. If you are you are, you need to know something. Blogging can get you in trouble. Re-quote something you shouldn't, well that could be copyright infringement. Slander the wrong person or company that wants to make an example of someone and you could find yourself in more hot water than comfortable. Give out too much personal information and you could garner yourself a nice stalker.

There are always risks. That's part of what makes the "newness" of something exciting. Who really wants something that does not present a challenge? So, the moral today folks, is to blog-on but beware that the whole world is watching.


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