Friday, August 05, 2005

My Blog Slid Down the Page

I can't tell you how frustrating it is when I can't figure out simple technology. Since what I do a good part of the day is figure out how to use really complex technology.

In any case. I like Blogger (at the moment/will change soon I'm sure) for the pure simplicity of what they offer. That's why over the last few days I couldn't believe I was having a problem I wasn't able to fix.

Let me explain. I use both Internet Explorer 6 and Mozilla 1.7.1. In Mozilla my blog looked fine. In IE, my right side navigation was no longer at the top of the page. It had slid down to the bottom, where pretty much no one could see it. Not a huge deal, but it bugged my none-the-less since over 60% (according to my statcounter's add-on report) of the people visiting were using IE.

So, I searched the Help forum and did eventually find the very simple fix for the template design I'm using. My links embedded in the post, on the left side of the page were too long. I made them smaller. Page is back to normal. Luckily I stopped myself from ripping apart the code (my first inclination).

Lesson learned--always go for the simple stuff first AND the answer is always out there, it's just a matter of locating it.

P.S. For the non-geeks in the really do not have to put an additional web link in the content section of blogger. As long as you put it in the LINK box below your post title, you will be fine. I do it because I do not believe everyone knows to put their mouse on the title link.


At 1:43 AM, August 11, 2005, Blogger steven edward streight said...

I had this problem also, but it was due to my sidebar images being too large, if I remember correctly.

I don't know what you mean by "links to long in posts." You mean your URLs were too long? Why would that matter? Unless you were making the URLs the links, which is wrong. The titles are supposed to be the links. I think I just said what you already said.


At 8:24 AM, August 15, 2005, Blogger Rufo's World said...

Yes, the url's were too long. As far as I can tell since there were no breaks or spaces, the page code adjusted to handle the entire line. So, yes, the point is, leave links out of the actual content, keep them in the title (if using blogger and one of their basic templates).


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