How does a blog differ from...
"A blog is just another website"
Ahh, I hate to disagree but, no, it's not. A website is built to sell. Only the better one's are interactive enough to engage people. But the general point of a website is to get you there to sell you a company, product, or service. Websites usually focus on company's.
Then what's a blog you ask? It's a place to start a discussion. It's a place that focuses on the personality of an individual or group of people. Blog's are supposed to be thought provoking. Blog's are a communication medium that are not stopped by complicated HTML or flash.
Want a quick comparison? Blog's differ from the following:
-website: A good blog is interactive and frequently updated, unlike most websites
-chat room: A good blog maintains a conversation history, unlike most chat rooms
-bulletin board: A good blog is easy to read, unlike most bulletin boards
What are your thoughts?
A conventional static website is harder to update, redesign, and add functions to, generally requiring a sophisticated CMS administered by a web master.
Blogs are also unique in allowing anyone with internet access to create and update a blog, with no HTML or programming skills required.
Blogs are conducive to candid conversations with customers. Interaction includes fast responses by blogger to reader comments.
Blogs have archived, often categorized collections of previous posts.
I'm going to hand code a Category Archive in my blogs.
Blogs are the first universal publishing system in history: the democratization of web content.
The Powers That Pretend To Be are doomed.
P.S. Why not use the new Word Verification spambot protection function for Blogger blogs?
See my post where I detail all the configurations I recommend for Blogger blog comments.
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